Latest typo -- view by tags broken for tags with "." charact

Hello typo folks,

I finally got around to upgrading to the latest stable typo on http:// but I just recently noticed that the article tag
views are broken for anything that I’ve tagged with a number
containing a decimal point.

For instance, this view works:

… but this view that should be specific to news about version 6.1
of Grid Engine is broken despite there being at least 6 articles with
the “6.1” tag:

The “generic” view lists the tags that contain decimal points just fine:

Is this something I did wrong (not properly encoding/escaping the “.”
char) or a typo issue?


On Saturday 31 March 2007 06:54, Chris D. wrote:

… but this view that should be specific to news about version 6.1
of Grid Engine is broken despite there being at least 6 articles with
the “6.1” tag:

The “generic” view lists the tags that contain decimal points just fine:

Is this something I did wrong (not properly encoding/escaping the “.”
char) or a typo issue?

I had to change my local copy to prevent Typo from breaking on the “.”.
pretty sure that at present, it will break that into a “6” and “1” tag.