RGL: decorate nodes and edges

Hi Guys

Did anyone of you work with RGL (Ruby Graph Library? Did you try to
decorate (e.g. color, shape, etc.) your nodes and edges? Were you
successful? Could anyone point me to a good documentation or to some
example code?

The whole problem is documented on my blog:

Thanks for your help!


Here’s a link to what I posted to this list when this topic came up


Thanks Stephen!

Just one question regarding your solution:

Are you still able to use all the nice GRATR features (e.g. Breadth
First Search) if you’re storing your graph in a DOT::DOTDigraph?

Am 30.03.2007 um 02:15 schrieb Stephen D.:

Probably not; I wasn’t trying to use any of those kinds of features,
which is why I skipped straight to using the DOT::Digraph. It may be
best for you to use the normal graph objects, then only when you wish
to output to a file, get the DOT::Digraph from them, and add in the
edge decorators at that point.

  • Stephen

Thanks again Stephen!

Could you (or someone) else point me to a nice how-to, documentation
or anything else (like example code)?

I’m a ruby-newbie and the project I’m working on has already a steep
learning-curve…besides having virtual no documentation. :slight_smile:

Am 30.03.2007 um 12:44 schrieb Stephen D.: