Ruby classifier

I tried installing ruby classifier using
sudo gem install classifier
but when I try to use classifier I get

irb(main):001:0> require “classifier”
LoadError: no such file to load – classifier
from (irb):1:in `require’
from (irb):1

What am I doing wrong? Thank you.

On 3/28/07, Ryo F. [email protected] wrote:

Didja try
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘classifier’


Ah, whoops, that part is fixed now. But when to add items to the LSI
classifier, I get:

lsi.add_item( “This is a turtle.”, :turtle )
=> nil
lsi.add_item( “This is a cuckoo.”, :cuckoo )
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)

i.e., I get these “wrong number of arguments” errors as soon as I try to
add more than one item.

Any idea about this?

Logan C. wrote:

On 3/28/07, Ryo F. [email protected] wrote:

Didja try
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘classifier’


Dan and Colin,

The current version of Classifier’s LSI is kind of broken. It was
half in development ages ago and for whatever reason the “stable”
version got merged with a half-working dev version. For a number of
reasons (which I’ll omit), development stalled and it wasn’t cleaned

I wasn’t involved directly with the main development of Classifier,
but I did have some involvement with some of the not-so-implemented
ideas. I’ve been extremely busy for a couple months, but sometime
soon I hope to smooth over some of the LSI issues to get it stable

I’ll look into the exact error you both are posting - if it’s
something workaroundable I’ll let you know.


I’ve spent a couple of days trying to get LSI Classifer to work. The
Bayesian library works fine (and is fun), but LSI is not working for me.
I have the GSL installed and the ruby-gsl wrapper, which seem to be
working fine. However, I get the same error as mentioned in the previous
post. The error occurs as the 2nd item is added to the index. It occurs
somewhere within the rebuild_index procedure. If auto_index is switched
off, items can be added infinitum. Please help :S

#--------test script

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘gsl’
require ‘classifier’
require ‘stemmer’

lsi =
strings = [ [“This text deals with dogs. Dogs.”, :dog],
["This text involves dogs too. Dogs! ", :dog],
[“This text revolves around cats. Cats.”, :cat],
[“This text also involves cats. Cats!”, :cat],
[“This text involves birds. Birds.”,:bird ]]
strings.each {|x| lsi.add_item x.first, x.last}“dog”, 3)

returns => [“This text deals with dogs. Dogs.”, "This text involves

dogs too
. Dogs! ",

“This text also involves cats. Cats!”]

lsi.find_related(strings[2], 2)

returns => [“This text revolves around cats. Cats.”, "This text also

s cats. Cats!"]

lsi.classify “This text is also about dogs!”

returns => :dog


require_gem is obsolete. Use gem instead.
initialize': wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError) from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/classifier-1.3.0/lib/classifier/lsi/content_node.rb:37:in new’
raw_vector_with' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/classifier-1.3.0/lib/classifier/lsi.rb:123:in build_index’
collect' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/classifier-1.3.0/lib/classifier/lsi.rb:123:in build_index’
add_item' from lsitest.rb:12 from lsitest.rb:12:in each’
from lsitest.rb:12


Colin B. wrote:

Ah, whoops, that part is fixed now. But when to add items to the LSI
classifier, I get:

lsi.add_item( “This is a turtle.”, :turtle )
=> nil
lsi.add_item( “This is a cuckoo.”, :cuckoo )
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)

i.e., I get these “wrong number of arguments” errors as soon as I try to
add more than one item.

Any idea about this?

Logan C. wrote:

On 3/28/07, Ryo F. [email protected] wrote:

Didja try
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘classifier’


Cameron McBride wrote:

Dan and Colin,

The current version of Classifier’s LSI is kind of broken. It was
half in development ages ago and for whatever reason the “stable”
version got merged with a half-working dev version. For a number of
reasons (which I’ll omit), development stalled and it wasn’t cleaned

I wasn’t involved directly with the main development of Classifier,
but I did have some involvement with some of the not-so-implemented
ideas. I’ve been extremely busy for a couple months, but sometime
soon I hope to smooth over some of the LSI issues to get it stable

I’ll look into the exact error you both are posting - if it’s
something workaroundable I’ll let you know.


Cameron, Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the difficulty in
maintaining these things, so thanks for any input you can provide. If I
find a fix, I’ll post it here.
