Updating files in project along with rails

i am reading the second edition of the agile development with rails
book, and i left it at home today…

i was wondering if anyone can recall how to do the following:

in the book, it talks about updating rails to the most current version,
performing some incantation to update all the files in your project to
reflect any necessary changes…

i have a few problems that i think are a direct effect of this, and i
don’t want to drive all the way home…

does anyone know this off the top of their head?



gem install rails v=x.xx


rails ‘your project directory’

If you don’t overwrite anything
you’ve personally changed
that should work, it prompts
me for overwrite in linux
but i dunno what your on
so back that shiz up jim

On Mar 26, 12:57 pm, Sergio R. [email protected]