Need help with rjs for captcha? simple for you not for me!

is this correct? my page after the action calls…shows html in my


<%= error_messages_for 'post' %>

<%= form_remote_tag :url => { :action => ‘checkcaptcha’ }, :html => {
:id => ‘post_form’ } %>
<%= show_simple_captcha(:image_style => ‘simply_blue’,
:label => ‘To view contact information, type the content and submit’)
<%= hidden_field ‘content’, ‘recid’, :value => %>
<%= submit_tag “Submit”%>
<%= end_form_tag %>

if simple_captcha_valid?

render “details/checkcaptcha”, :layout => “layouts/article”

logger.debug “success here!”
page.visual_effect :fade, ‘post_form’, :duration => 0.5
page.hide ‘captcha_error’
page.replace_html ‘captcha_error’, ‘Post Created’
page.visual_effect :appear, ‘captcha_error’, :duration => 0.5
page.form.reset ‘post_form’

i think my problem may have something to do with the location of my
files? i think my rails app expects my .rjs and details page to be both
in the controller folder. but i currently have my details rhtml in a
details folder outside the controller view folder. is this bad?

thanks for any help!

nevermind, found the problemo! since i was using a different layout to
render…i forgot to add the javascript in the new layout!..