Inconsistent Invalid Argument Error

I have a view with a table that contains sortable links as headings.
Here is the code used to create these sortable links in the

module ApplicationHelper
def sort_link_helper(text, param)
key = param
key += “_reverse” if @params[:sort] == param

link_to(text, :controller => 'sales_orders', :action => 'list',

:sort => key )

Here is the code in my controller where I call the sort_link_helper

<%= sort_link_helper 'Number', 'id' %> <%= sort_link_helper 'Sold To', 'sold_to' %> <%= sort_link_helper 'Ship To', 'ship_to' %> <%= sort_link_helper 'Rep', 'rep' %> <%= sort_link_helper 'Description', 'description' %> <%= sort_link_helper 'Amount', 'amount' %> <%= sort_link_helper 'Ship Date', 'ship_date' %> Current Status

The problem is that sometimes, when I click one of these links to sort
the table by that field, I get the following error:

Showing app/views/sales_orders/list.rhtml where line #29 raised:

Invalid argument

Extracted source (around line #29):


<%= sort_link_helper ‘Rep’, ‘rep’ %>
27: <%= sort_link_helper ‘Description’, ‘description’
28: <%= sort_link_helper ‘Amount’, ‘amount’ %>
29: <%= sort_link_helper ‘Ship Date’, ‘ship_date’ %>
30: Current Status

It is maddeningly inconsistent. Sometimes, I can just do a refresh and
it’ll work fine. Sometimes I have to refresh several times before I can
get it to work. Also, the line number causing the error will be
different sometimes, but it’s always one of the lines with the
sort_link_helper in it.

Any ideas on how I can get this fixed?


I have narrowed the problem down a bit:

def sort_link_helper(text, param)
key = param

#the following line is the culprit.  I'm not sure what I'm doing 

wrong here.
key += “_reverse” if @params[:sort] == param

link_to(text, :controller => 'sales_orders', :action => 'list', 

:sort => key )

What is wrong with the line above that adds ‘_reverse’ to the key?

Jason wrote:

I have narrowed the problem down a bit:

def sort_link_helper(text, param)
key = param

#the following line is the culprit.  I'm not sure what I'm doing 

wrong here.
key += “_reverse” if @params[:sort] == param

link_to(text, :controller => 'sales_orders', :action => 'list', 

:sort => key )

What is wrong with the line above that adds ‘_reverse’ to the key?

I figured this out. Should be without the @:

def sort_link_helper(text, param)
key = param
key += “_reverse” if params[:sort] == param

link_to(text, :controller => 'sales_orders', :action => 'list',

:sort => key )