Macfuse, textmate, edit on remote server, a little help?

i am following this:


How to edit remote files using macfuse and sshfs - Christian Tan

One major annoyance for me was being unable to use textmate project
management for files on my server. I used to use cyberduck with
textmate, which works ok, but this one is more conveniant:

Install macfuse

Mount your remote server using sshfs:

sshfs user@servername:/ ~/mnt/servername

Now on the commandline on my laptop, I go to any file in
~/mnt/servername/ and do: mate and I can just add files to a
projectdrawer in textmate. Best of all is that you do not need to
prepare anything on your server if it is already running ssh.


where do i type the sshfs command? in my terminal on local, or after i
log in my account on my webserver? on both, i get sshfs not found.

On 3/17/07, blueskies [email protected] wrote:


where do i type the sshfs command? in my terminal on local, or after i
log in my account on my webserver? on both, i get sshfs not found.

in the terminal on your local machine.

i would suspect where ever you have installed macfuse/sshfs, it is not
included in your path - read up on on the PATH environment variable.


On 3/17/07, blueskies [email protected] wrote:

where do i type the sshfs command? in my terminal on local, or after i
log in my account on my webserver? on both, i get sshfs not found.

Alternatively, you can use[1]. It’ll remember your recent
connections, too.

