Stupid postgresql test fixtures


So, I’ve got a postgresql database with referential integrity on the
foreign keys. It’s a pain in the ass because I get a ton of errors
like this if I don’t have each test load fixtures in exactly the right

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: update or delete on
“users” violates foreign key constraint “user_id_fkey” on “bids”

DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) is still referenced from table “bids”.


How can I make it not such a pain?

I guess I don’t get why I have to specify the fixtures used in each
test. Shouldn’t all the fixtures be loaded and dropped via a
transaction for each test?/

Hi Joe,

On 3/16/07, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:


ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: update or delete on
“users” violates foreign key constraint “user_id_fkey” on “bids”

DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) is still referenced from table “bids”.


How can I make it not such a pain?

Please search the list archives for further discussion.

You can either declare all fixtures in test/test_helper.rb so they’re
all loaded, all the time, or preload the test database with your
fixtures and never load or delete them unless they’ve changed. This is
safe because all your test runs are wrapped in a transaction that’s
rolled back at the end.


On Mar 17, 3:09 am, “Jeremy K.” [email protected] wrote:

So, I’ve got a postgresql database with referential integrity on the

How can I make it not such a pain?

Please search the list archives for further discussion.

You can either declare allfixturesintest/test_helper.rb so they’re
all loaded, all the time, or preload thetestdatabase with yourfixturesand never load or delete them unless they’ve changed. This is
safe because all yourtestruns are wrapped in a transaction that’s
rolled back at the end.


Can you give me an idea of what to search for? My first few searches
came up with squat.