Am I on the Right Track?


I'm just starting to pickup learning ruby on rails.  I started

with it for awhile, but then quit because I was lost…and now I’m
picking it back up again.

My question is, am I on the right track?  I'm trying to develop an

application, and so far, it’s working well. But, in the app/views
folder, there is a _form.rhtml file. If I wanted to change the form
around, can I edit that file, or is there another file that I should
be using?


[email protected] wrote:

My question is, am I on the right track?  I'm trying to develop an

application, and so far, it’s working well. But, in the app/views
folder, there is a _form.rhtml file. If I wanted to change the form
around, can I edit that file, or is there another file that I should
be using?

Pick up Dave T.'s book, Agile Development with Rails, as it’s very
good for beginners…

As for your question, anything with a “_” preceding an “rhtml” file is
termed a “partial” in Rails terminology and is meant to display one (or
a collection) of your models to the user for viewing or editing.
Partials always exist nested within another partial or view and you are
supposed to edit partials to your taste so I would say that you are
probably on the right track but to be on the best track, pick up a book
first… :slight_smile:
