Rails 1.2 and the prototype/ajax bug

What’s the recommended fix for the “Ajax doesn’t work” bug?
http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/6579 is marked ‘wontfix’, but the
page is confusing in that I can’t make out what I should be doing to
make my code work. I gem updated rails and ajax didn’t work till I
manually downgraded prototype to _rc0 - I was a bit wary of applying
any of the fixes listed under the bug, since the prototype developers
didn’t accept them.


What’s the recommended fix for the “Ajax doesn’t work” bug?
http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/6579 is marked ‘wontfix’, but the
page is confusing in that I can’t make out what I should be doing to
make my code work. I gem updated rails and ajax didn’t work till I
manually downgraded prototype to _rc0 - I was a bit wary of applying
any of the fixes listed under the bug, since the prototype developers
didn’t accept them.

Are you using rico? I had this problem on a site recently (ajax
scaffolding) that was using rico… only occured in Firefox. Removed
and all was well again.


On 3/15/07, Philip H. [email protected] wrote:

scaffolding) that was using rico… only occured in Firefox. Removed rico
and all was well again.

No, just plain prototype. Happens with firefox 1.5 and 2.0.
