Input/Output Errors on Views - Webrick-production

I’m getting Input/Output errors on various views in a production app
we’re running on Webrick on OS X Server - Apache frontend. It happens
in various places, which makes it hard to track down, and I’m fairly
certain it’s not my code that is causing the issue.

One example of where the error is thrown is on a page that uses the
start_form_tag as such:
<%= start_form_tag ( { :controller => “validation”, :action => ‘cancel’
}, { :name => ‘cancelValidation’ } ) %>

Nothing special there, the error says
“Input/output error
On line #165 of app/views/layouts/reference.rhtml”

#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/layouts/reference.rhtml:165:in `write’

There is no direct call to a “write” method (not on my part anyway).

I’ve read that this may have something to do with rails writing to
stderr, stdout, but I’m unsure of how to change where it writes to, and
was hoping others had encountered this before? Could it be in writing
to the production log? Our production log is 55MB…not sure if that
could cause the issue…


i am also facing the input/output error. in some rhtml
and again the same message . for write

Help me out.


On 14/03/07, Blake M. [email protected] wrote:

}, { :name => ‘cancelValidation’ } ) %>
stderr, stdout, but I’m unsure of how to change where it writes to, and

Arun A.

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