Re: Find.find --- returns directories/files backwards


Try something like this

d =‘/user/path/Documents’)
=> [ “.”, “…”, “doc1”, “doc2”, etc ]

for some reason block processing is counter intuitive here
this code does not work

e =‘/user/path/Documents’)
e.entries.sort {|file| puts file }
=> warning: multiple values for a block parameter (2 for 1)



----- Original Message ----
From: Brad [email protected]
To: ruby-talk ML [email protected]
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2007 7:35:05 PM
Subject: Find.find — returns directories/files backwards

New user question:

It seems to me when I run:
Find.find(‘/user/name/documents’) {|path| puts path}

it returns all the directories in the reverse order. I was expecting
the directories to be returned in alphabetical order, but that doesn’t
seem to be the case. Also, in one case it reads half of a directory’s
files, then the sub dirs and then it finished reading the rest of the
directory it started in and finished writing them in the Puts

Am I missing something? How do you do get it to write out the
directories in alphabetical order?

Any and all help welcome.

Thank you.


Joseph Schiller wrote:

for some reason block processing is counter intuitive here
this code does not work

e =’/user/path/Documents’)
e.entries.sort {|file| puts file }
=> warning: multiple values for a block parameter (2 for 1)

It doesn’t work because you pass a block that accepts only one argument
sort. Any block passed to sort is supposed to take two arguments,
these arguments and return -1, 0 or 1 depending on which argument is

What you apparenty want to do would be archieved by writing
e.entries.sort.each {|file| puts file }
thus passing the block to each and not to sort.

On 10.03.2007 17:07, Sebastian H. wrote:

these arguments and return -1, 0 or 1 depending on which argument is greater.

What you apparenty want to do would be archieved by writing
e.entries.sort.each {|file| puts file }
thus passing the block to each and not to sort.

There is also a class method entries, so the above code can be rewritten

Dir.entries(’/user/path/Documents’).sort.each {|e| puts e}

or even shorter

puts Dir.entries(’/user/path/Documents’).sort

Kind regards
