Problem with RC2 (and rails 1.6? ...)


I installed the 0.6 RC2 version.

I don’t get any filter (thus I don’t get the styled blog text right)
and also get an error when I click on “extensions” in the admin UI.

In the web server log (litespeed) I get the following error:

In the application log I just have this lines (prduction.log):

Logfile created on Fri Mar 09 22:41:27 +0100 2007 by logger.rb/

Migrating to CreateRadiantTables (1)
Migrating to InsertInitialData (2)
Migrating to RenameBehaviorColumn (3)
Migrating to RenameFilterColumn (4)
Migrating to AddVirtualColumnToPage (5)
Migrating to IntegerColumnsToBoolean (6)
Migrating to RemoveVirtualColumnFromPage (7)
Migrating to AddVirtualColumnToPageAgain (8)
Migrating to AddContentTypeFieldToLayout (9)
Migrating to MergeBehaviorsAndPages (10)
Migrating to RenameTypeColumnOnPageToClassName (11)
Migrating to CreateExtensionMeta (12)
Migrating to AddNotesFieldToUser (13)
Migrating to RenameConfigDefaultPartsKey (14)

I’m running with:

electronicbusiness ~ # uname -a
Linux 2.6.16-xenU-rimu6 #2 Tue Apr 25 23:31:30
UTC 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

electronicbusiness ~ # gem list sqlite3

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

sqlite3-ruby (, 1.1.0)
SQLite3/Ruby is a module to allow Ruby scripts to interface with a
SQLite3 database. (This is _why’s sensibility repack.)

electronicbusiness ~ # gem list rails

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rails (1.1.6, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2)
Web-application framework with template engine, control-flow layer,
and ORM.

rails_env (0.1.0)
description of gem

Do I need rails 1.2 with radiant 0.6?

Thank you!



Radiant 0.6 (both gems RC1/2, and the ‘mental’ branch) include Rails

Regarding your problem, are you running in production or development
mode? Did you run rake db:bootstrap?


Thank you Sean for your support.

On 3/9/07, Sean C. [email protected] wrote:

Regarding your problem, are you running in production or development
mode? Did you run rake db:bootstrap?

Yes I did it (in fact I could login into the admin UI and chose the
option “styled blog”, a new admin password, etc.).

I’m running in production mode (per litespeed configuration “rails
context definition”).

If I run the command now I get:

electronicbusiness radiant # rake db:bootstrap
(in /var/www/html/
rake aborted!
development database is not configured

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

In my “database.yml” I had just:

adapter: sqlite3
database: radiant_production

Now I’ve added:

adapter: sqlite3
database: radiant_development

adapter: sqlite3
database: radiant_test

After adding this I now get:

electronicbusiness radiant # rake db:bootstrap
(in /var/www/html/
rake aborted!
development database is not configured

(See full trace by running task with --trace)
electronicbusiness radiant # rake db:bootstrap
(in /var/www/html/
rake aborted!
development database is not configured

(See full trace by running task with --trace)
electronicbusiness radiant # rake db:bootstrap
(in /var/www/html/
Extensions cannot be used until Radiant migrations are up to date.
This task will destroy any data in the database. Are you sure you want
continue? [yn] y
== CreateRadiantTables: migrating

– create_table(“config”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0033s
– add_index(“config”, [“key”], {:name=>“key”, :unique=>true})
→ 0.0019s
– create_table(“pages”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0057s
– create_table(“page_parts”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0034s
– create_table(“snippets”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0044s
– add_index(“snippets”, [“name”], {:name=>“name”, :unique=>true})
→ 0.0016s
– create_table(“layouts”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0040s
– create_table(“users”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0057s
– add_index(“users”, [“login”], {:name=>“login”, :unique=>true})
→ 0.0017s
== CreateRadiantTables: migrated (0.0349s)

== InsertInitialData: migrating

== InsertInitialData: migrated (0.0000s)

== RenameBehaviorColumn: migrating

– rename_column(:pages, :behavior, :behavior_id)
→ 0.0588s
== RenameBehaviorColumn: migrated (0.0592s)

== RenameFilterColumn: migrating

– rename_column(:page_parts, :filter, :filter_id)
→ 0.0189s
– rename_column(:snippets, :filter, :filter_id)
→ 0.0430s
== RenameFilterColumn: migrated (0.0627s)

== AddVirtualColumnToPage: migrating

– add_column(“pages”, “virtual”, :boolean, {:null=>false,
→ 0.0092s
== AddVirtualColumnToPage: migrated (0.0096s)

== IntegerColumnsToBoolean: migrating

== IntegerColumnsToBoolean: saving User data

– remove_column(“users”, “admin”)
→ 0.0427s
– add_column(“users”, “admin”, :boolean, {:null=>false,
→ 0.0094s
== IntegerColumnsToBoolean: restoring User data

== IntegerColumnsToBoolean: saving User data

– remove_column(“users”, “developer”)
→ 0.0393s
– add_column(“users”, “developer”, :boolean, {:null=>false,
→ 0.0077s
== IntegerColumnsToBoolean: restoring User data

== IntegerColumnsToBoolean: migrated (0.1046s)

== RemoveVirtualColumnFromPage: migrating

– remove_column(“pages”, “virtual”)
→ 0.0374s
== RemoveVirtualColumnFromPage: migrated (0.0378s)

== AddVirtualColumnToPageAgain: migrating

– add_column(“pages”, “virtual”, :boolean, {:null=>false,
→ 0.0080s
== AddVirtualColumnToPageAgain: migrated (0.0083s)

== AddContentTypeFieldToLayout: migrating

– add_column(“layouts”, “content_type”, :string, {:limit=>40})
→ 0.0074s
== AddContentTypeFieldToLayout: migrated (0.0078s)

== MergeBehaviorsAndPages: migrating

== MergeBehaviorsAndPages: converting behavior names to class names

– rename_column(:pages, :behavior_id, :type)
→ 0.0376s
== MergeBehaviorsAndPages: migrated (0.0391s)

== RenameTypeColumnOnPageToClassName: migrating

– rename_column(“pages”, “type”, “class_name”)
→ 0.0374s
== RenameTypeColumnOnPageToClassName: migrated (0.0377s)

== CreateExtensionMeta: migrating

– create_table(“extension_meta”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0038s
== CreateExtensionMeta: migrated (0.0042s)

== AddNotesFieldToUser: migrating

– add_column(“users”, “notes”, :text)
→ 0.0080s
== AddNotesFieldToUser: migrated (0.0083s)

== RenameConfigDefaultPartsKey: migrating

== RenameConfigDefaultPartsKey: migrated (0.0057s)

Create the admin user (press enter for defaults).
Name (Administrator):
Username (admin):
Password (radiant):

Initializing configuration…OK

Select a database template:

  1. Empty
  2. Simple Blog
  3. Styled Blog
    [1-3]: 3

Creating Snippets…OK
Creating Pages…OK
Creating Layouts…OK
Creating Page parts…OK


But still no joy … :frowning:

It seems the same situation:


On 3/10/07, Sean C. [email protected] wrote:

I’m sorry… try rake production db:bootstrap.

Hello Sean.

I did what you suggested, but still no filter available to the admin
user interface drop down box (thus I get this, for example, in a post
of the default “styled” blog installation: "This post uses
“textile”:Textism: Tools: Textile. ", and the following
error, when I click on extension (please, note I’m using successfully
litespeed with a few 0.52 radiant installs):

"Application error (Apache)

Change this error message for exceptions thrown outside of an action
(like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code) in public/500.html"

Is there any other place/log where I should look at?

Many thanks for you assistance.


I run the new install through mongrel and it worked fine. It seems
there is a problem with litespeed. I’ll look into that.

One question to this list: where do I get additional extensions
(mailer, assett management, etc.)? Is there a central repository from
where I can download new extensions and how do I do that?

Thank you.


I’m sorry… try rake production db:bootstrap.
