Rhtml: are carriage returns treated differently in IE vs FF?

Ive been trying to debug why my sites div page content floats all the
way to the left and not within its main place where it belongs!..my
site shows correctly in firefox but not in internet explorer. i ran a
diff on the generated html file and css file. they are all identical
except for the carriage returns. will this cause a problem with
rendering content?

everything seems to be identical but in IE my div is just not
responding. =(

lets just say i learned an important leasson of how important the header
part of the layout is!

also if you notice in ff things look good but not in ie…run your html
through this.

koloa wrote:

Ive been trying to debug why my sites div page content floats all the
way to the left and not within its main place where it belongs!..my
site shows correctly in firefox but not in internet explorer. i ran a
diff on the generated html file and css file. they are all identical
except for the carriage returns. will this cause a problem with
rendering content?

everything seems to be identical but in IE my div is just not
responding. =(

Carriage returns don’t matter.

IE 6 and below(probably IE7 too) have some rendering problems that might
affect the look of your page. Your pages may be affected by the double
margin counting bug which makes your float divs wider than they are(so
they’re pushed down to the next line). Try adding display: inline; to
all your float styles. See

Also make sure you have the rendering mode specified on every page(do it
in your layout template) or else you don’t really know which mode the
browser uses. Quirks mode - Wikipedia