Styles for tabnav plugin

Hi all,

I’m using the tabnav plugin for a community project and I think it is
quite comfortable to use.

But, when I have many tabbed screens in my app, I have to generate many
corresponding xyz_tabnav.rb models. Now for each of these models there
seems to be one template xyz_tybnav.rhtml which contains the style for
the corresponding tabnav.

In my app ALL tabbed screens will have the SAME style (as I would assume
for most apps in general). Does it mean that I have to maintain many of
these style files for all the tabbed screens redundantly?

Or can I consolidate the one style for all tabbed screens?



I modified the ‘def tabnav tabnav_sym method’ from tabnav’s
application_helper_extension.rb to check the tabnav_sym to determine
the object being rendered. Based on that information, I select the
partial to use for the rendering. I do a bit of code in the
application.rhtml layout using @first_render or getting the controller
name directly to select the tabnav to display and pass that to the
start tabnav tag.

I now have two partials (two nested tab styles) that replace what
would have been over 15 tabnav partials for my application. I don’t
know if this will work with the newer versions, but it solved my

Example with a nested tabnav:


<%= render_partial ‘common/header’ -%>

<%= start_tabnav :main -%>
case @first_render
when /^admin/
tabnav_set = :admin
when /^home/
tabnav_set = :home
end %>
<%= start_tabnav tabnav_set -%>

<%= yield -%>
<%= end_tabnav -%>

<%= end_tabnav -%>

<%= render_partial ‘common/footer’ -%>

tabnav application_helper.rb:

Selects the correct template to use for rendering the selected

tabnav object.

def tabnav tabnav_sym
# Set the name of the template
if tabnav_sym.id2name == ‘main’
tabnav_template = ‘main’
tabnav_template = ‘secondary’

# Render the tabnav partial
result = capture do
  render :partial => "tabnav/#{tabnav_template}_tabnav",
         :locals => { :tabs => tabnav_sym.to_tabnav.tabs }


On Mar 6, 6:46 am, Star B. [email protected]

Sounds good.

Another solution could be to change the tabnav renderer in a way that
not the tabnav class name is used to generate the style name but that a
style name could be set via a method “set_style” in the tabnav class
definition (like “add_tab”).

KRD wrote:

I modified the ‘def tabnav tabnav_sym method’ from tabnav’s
application_helper_extension.rb to check the tabnav_sym to determine
the object being rendered. Based on that information, I select the
partial to use for the rendering. I do a bit of code in the
application.rhtml layout using @first_render or getting the controller
name directly to select the tabnav to display and pass that to the
start tabnav tag.

Paolo D. wrote:

You can specify the Tabnav’s class prefix with:

class BasicTabnav < Tabnav::Base
html_options :class => ‘inner_tabnav’



This overrides the default class naming, so you can share the same style
for every Tabnav. Then I’d remove the partials and move my CSS code
inside the main .css file.

Thanks! That was the only thing missing…

You can specify the Tabnav’s class prefix with:

class BasicTabnav < Tabnav::Base
html_options :class => ‘inner_tabnav’



This overrides the default class naming, so you can share the same style
for every Tabnav. Then I’d remove the partials and move my CSS code
inside the main .css file.