
I don’t know if this is a bug or just my misunderstanding of how
things should work, but I thought it might be useful to share.

I installed the radiant-0.6.0rc1.gem on my Ubuntu system in the usual
way. Everything seems to go into /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/. Here’s
a list of what’s currently installed:

BlueCloth-1.0.0/ activerecord-1.15.2/
RedCloth-3.0.4/ activesupport-1.3.1/
actionmailer-1.2.5/ activesupport-1.4.1/
actionmailer-1.3.2/ cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.1/ rails-1.1.6/
actionpack-1.12.5/ daemons-1.0.4/ rails-1.2.2/
actionpack-1.13.2/ fastthread- rake-0.7.1/
actionwebservice-1.1.6/ gem_plugin-0.2.2/
actionwebservice-1.2.2/ mongrel-1.0.1/
activerecord-1.14.4/ mysql-2.7/

The Radiant binary went into /usr/bin:

marshal@ubik[~]> which radiant
radiant is /usr/bin/radiant
radiant is /usr/X11R6/bin/radiant

marshal@ubik[~]> radiant --version
Radiant 0.6.0

Looks okay, so next I ran “radiant web/radiantsite” to setup my
working directories and followed the rest of the installation
instructions, ending up with a functioning radiant site.

Days later, when I tried to run “ruby script/generate extensions
myextension” from web/radiantsite, I discovered there wasn’t any
generate script. My workaround was to copy everything from
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0 into web/radiantsite.

Hope this is useful to someone.

On 3/4/07, Marshal L. [email protected] wrote:

actionmailer-1.3.2/ cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.1/ rails-1.1.6/
radiant is /usr/X11R6/bin/radiant

marshal@ubik[~]> radiant --version
Radiant 0.6.0

Looks okay, so next I ran “radiant web/radiantsite” to setup my
working directories and followed the rest of the installation
instructions, ending up with a functioning radiant site.

Yeah, that s the idea with “instance mode”, you could start running
with a stock Radiant version using the gem.

Days later, when I tried to run “ruby script/generate extensions
myextension” from web/radiantsite, I discovered there wasn’t any
generate script. My workaround was to copy everything from
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0 into web/radiantsite.

Thats because gem mode is aimed to “not extension developers”, but
users of Radiant. In that case you should use ‘gem unpack’ or svn
checkout to keep in sync with radiant development branch.

Maybe someone could add this to the Wiki?

Luis L.
Multimedia systems

Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort,
which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that
is worthwhile.
Vince Lombardi

Ahhhh… now I understand. Thanks Luis.

On 3/4/07, Luis L. [email protected] wrote:

Yeah, I’d love a simple write-up of how to keep an install of Radiant
0.6 RC1 up to date. I don’t plan on keeping up with the development
branch, but I would like to be able to quickly install and update
extensions and upgrade to the release version of 0.6 when it becomes

I successfully followed the instructions here: http://radiantcms.org/
blog/2007/02/04/radiant-0-6-release-candidate/ and http://
forums.site5.com/showthread.php?t=14847, so my http://site5.com/
install should be fairly standard. I haven’t touched a line of
Radiant code - all my tweaks are in the db.

I’m eagerly awaiting an “official” comments function. In the
meanwhile I just tell visitors to email me - keeping it simple :slight_smile:

Martin O.