What's the best way to embed a form?

Thank you for your reply.

That did the trick.

Big thanks to Xavier also for spending a great deal of his weekend on
assisting me.

ROR is the future.


Byron S. [email protected] wrote: You can change the
rendering of layouts in a more declarative way at the top of controllers
with something like:

layout “application”, :except => [ :login_form ]

On 2/5/06, softwareengineer 99 <[email protected] >
wrote:After some digging around, I found the solution to the error:

“::MemberController” is not a valid constant name!
The error goes away if I comment out the following line in

before_filter :login_required

My MemberController has the following layout applied to it
class MemberController < ApplicationController
layout ‘default-layout’

This is causing the header to show up two times (even for my new
method login_form).

How can I have a default layout applied to a Controller and then turn
it off for one function?

Currently my tags/show.rhtml reads

<%= render_component :controller => “member”, :action =>

And my login_form definition in member_controller is:

def login_form
return if generate_blank
@member = Member.new(@params[‘member’])
if @session[‘member’] =
flash[‘notice’] = l(:member_login_succeeded)
redirect_back_or_default :action => ‘welcome’
@login = @params[‘member’][‘login’]
flash.now[‘message’] = l(:member_login_failed)
render :layout => false

Why isn’t the render :layout => false working here?

I thought it would be nice to have the layout applied to the entire
controller. But I didn’t know that tunring it off will become such a

So what are the best practices in this case? Is it good to apply a
“global” layout and then turn it off for each function (which isn’t
working for me) or not have a “global” layout and then apply it for
each method?

Needless to say, I am so confused with layouts here.

Your continued assistance is highly appreciated. I am sure this will
help a lot of new learners here too.


Xavier N. [email protected] wrote: On Feb 4, 2006, at 23:53,
softwareengineer 99 wrote:

Thank you Xavier for your reply:

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Are you perhaps getting a layout in there too? Just a wild stab in the


I’ve got an RXML file in the view for a model and an empty reference to
the desired view in my controller. While I am producing the XML I want,
I am also generating an HTML header that contains:

. . <p style.

I was under the impression that just by naming the file .rxml and then
putting XML-generating instructions in the file, I should get pure XML
but apparently I was mistaken.

How do I ditch this unwanted addition/header to my result?

