I’m having a bit of a hard time with the function
periodically_call_remote. Here is my problem:
I have a periodically_call_remote in a partial. With ajax, I do a
replace_html of this partial for another partial, view/edit type of
thing. The 2nd partial doesn’t contain a periodically_call_remote.
The problem is that the browser CONTINUES to query the server even tho
the periodically_call_remote shouldn’t be there anymore, because the
partial changed.
Does anyone know how to disable this behavior? Can I call something in
my .rjs templates to disable/enablethe periodically_call_remote?
And in the controller to handle the update and turn off the periodic
def update_results
render :update do |page|
page[‘periodic’].replace_html :partial => ‘results_table’
page.assign ‘stop_polling’, true #<< here is the magick!
I hate replying to myself, but I just noticed somethign else. When I
come back from my partial that does not have a periodically_call_remote
to the one that has, the browser now queries the server TWICE. Once
for the original periodically_call_remote, and once for everytime the
partial is reloaded.
This is not good…
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