Url_for In a Component?

When I try to use url_for within a component I get the following:

NoMethodError in LinkController#get_links
undefined method `url_for’ for Navbar::LinkController:Class

The API docs show url_for as a public method of ActionController::Base.
Since my component is derived from ActionController::Base shouldn’t
url_for be available within the class?

Any ideas?


  • Don

You probably should not be using components. They should be avoided as
the plague. Absolute performance black holes.

Wow. I didn’t know that. I was going to use a component for creating
my navigation menus just like in the the Agile book. If components are
to be avoided, can you suggest an alternative that would be just as DRY?


  • Don

You probably should not be using components. They should be avoided as
the plague. Absolute performance black holes.
