Unable to Start with Rails

Just had one final question… what is the difference between:

bundle exec “command”
directly running the command?

Like for me bundle exec rspec throws and error while rspec does not.

I’ve only recently started with Ruby on Rails myself. Check out my
insights, procedures, and deployed projects at
. I put this page together partly as a resource for the Ruby on Rails
community but mostly as a reference for myself.

The things I insist on:

  1. I do my Ruby on Rails development in VirtualBox. Like you, I
    found it tricky to properly set everything up - you need the right
    versions of multiple packages. It felt like I had to make sure all
    the planets were properly aligned. VirtualBox allows me to install a
    Linux distro on a virtual drive and take snapshots. If I screw up, I
    can return to a previous snapshot rather than have to start over. I
    know that many people like RVM. I tried to use it, but I couldn’t get
    it to work, so I stick to using VirtualBox snapshot to seamlessly
    switch from one snapshot to another. (I recommend using one of the
    newest VirtualBox versions so you get the clone feature.)
  2. I insist on deploying early and often. This allows me to spot any
    deployment problems early on and correct them. I once tried waiting
    until the end to start deployment (because the book did), and I
    couldn’t get my app deployed.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Somnath M.
[email protected]wrote:

Just had one final question… what is the difference between:

bundle exec “command”
directly running the command?

“bundle exec” makes sure that you’re using the executables that ship
the gem installed by bundler while running only the command uses the one
recognized by your system.

Like for me bundle exec rspec throws and error while rspec does not.

This usually happens when the rspec bundle exec runs is of a different
Try getting the version of the rspec executable that works and change
to use that rspec version. Run bundle install and try running rspec
bundle exec.

For more options, visit this group at