Typo and Instant Rails 1.2

Instant Rails is at 1.2 and I have installed Typo SVN Revsion 1000.

The sidebar changes stall with the spinner running even after the
publish button is clicked. The changes, themselves, do appear in the
actual blog.

When the Sort Alphabetically is clicked under categories an error
occurrred. I changed the code as follows:

<typo:code lang=“ruby”>
def asort
#render_component :action => “category_container” - Removed and
added two lines below - Ed Gard
@categories = Category.find(:all, :order => :position)
render :partial => “categories”

Other that that, Typo appears to run on IR 1.2 WITHOUT the need for
vendor/rails (frozen rails).

I like to see in the SCGI console which app is running, so I added the
following change which is just cosmetic.

To display the environment and the port in the SCGI console window, I
made the following changes:

<typo:code lang=“ruby”>

Added Port for display – Ed Gard

def configure_rails(environment, port)
ENV[“RAILS_ENV”] = environment
# Added to display environment and port – Ed Gard
STDERR.puts(“Environment: #{environment}; Port: #{port}”)
require “config/environment”
ActiveRecord::Base.threaded_connections = false
require ‘dispatcher’

class RailsController < SCGI::Controller
def initialize(config_file)
@config_file = config_file
# Added the port for display – Ed Gard
configure_rails(config[:env], config[:port])

Checkout the Typo head at svn checkout svn://typosphere.org/typo/trunk

So, for you Typo fans, Instant Rails 1.2 and typo are a go!
