The great ruby editor and ide roundup

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Martin DeMello
[email protected] wrote:

Also, mirroring to a wiki would be nice idea. Google docs is still the
best way I’ve seen to actually edit it, though - entering tabular
data on wikipedia for instance is extremely clunky. It should be
possible to write a script to extract a nightly csv dump of the
document and back it up somewhere, then use pandoc to convert that to
the appropriate wiki format and keep that updated. I’ll look into it.

I have a script that reads a Google Docs excel file and imports it
into a Mediawiki page in tabular format using mechanize.
If there’s interest I can share it.


2010/8/31 Jesús Gabriel y Galán [email protected]:

I have a script that reads a Google Docs excel file and imports it
into a Mediawiki page in tabular format using mechanize.
If there’s interest I can share it.

Yes please, that sounds very useful.


On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Martin DeMello
[email protected] wrote:

2010/8/31 Jesús Gabriel y Galán [email protected]:

I have a script that reads a Google Docs excel file and imports it
into a Mediawiki page in tabular format using mechanize.
If there’s interest I can share it.

Yes please, that sounds very useful.

It’s a bit raw, but it might be useful. It uses gdata-ruby which I
don’t know if it still exists, but I guess something similar exists (a
gem search of gdata shows plenty of options). It accepts an argument
to choose between a couple of spreadsheets, and has a mapping to a
wiki page in which to post. It replaces the table in that page with
the new version. It also uses some values in some cells to choose a
background color for those rows. It reads a YAML file with the google
authentication and the wiki authentication data. It also goes through
some hoops to log into my company’s intranet tool and then into the
wiki inside:

require ‘net/http’
require ‘net/https’
require ‘uri’
require ‘hpricot’
require ‘date’
require ‘faster_csv’
require ‘mechanize’


gcsv2wikitable.rb catalogue|tools

mapping = {“catalogue” => {:spreadsheet => “CatalogueManagerPhase2”,
:worksheet => “Roadmap”, :wiki_page =>
“tools” => {:spreadsheet => “ToolsRoadmap”, :worksheet =>
“List”, :wiki_page => “Region3:UK/Tools_Roadmap”}}

target = mapping[ARGV[0]]
unless target
puts “#{ARGV[0]} doesn’t represent a valid target”

spreadsheet = “”

require ‘spreadsheetservice’

puts “Downloading spreadsheet”
service =

account =“googlecsv2wiki.config”) {|file| YAML::load(file)}
service.authenticate(account[“Email”], account[“Passwd”])
sp = service.get_spreadsheets.find {|s| s.title == target[:spreadsheet]}
worksheet = sp.get_worksheets.find {|w| w.title == target[:worksheet]}
rows = worksheet.get_row_list(true)
header = rows.shift
spreadsheet << header.join(“,”) << “\n”
rows.each {|row| spreadsheet << ‘"’ << row.field_values.join(‘“,”’) <<

puts “Spreadsheet correctly downloaded”
puts spreadsheet
puts “--------------------------------”

Publish the csv to the wiki

wiki_table =<<END
{| border=“1”

def to_wiki_header(line)
fields = {|field| “!#{field[1]}”}.join(“\n”)
“|- style="background:#efefef;" align="center"\n#{fields}”

def to_wiki_row(line)
fields = {|field| “| #{field[1]}”}.join(“\n”)
row_prefix = "|- "

case line.entries[-1][1]
when “Production”
row_prefix << “style="background:#00ff00;"”
when “In progress”
row_prefix << “style="background:yellow;"”
row_prefix + “\n” + fields

FasterCSV.parse(spreadsheet, {:headers => :first_row, :return_headers
=> true}) do |line|
if line.header_row?
wiki_table << to_wiki_header(line)
wiki_table << to_wiki_row(line)
wiki_table << “\n”
wiki_table << “|}”

agent =
agent.user_agent_alias=‘Linux Mozilla’

get login page

page = agent.get(“http://mycompany’s intranet tool”)

do login

form = page.form(“login_form”)
form.username = account[“WikiUser”]
form.password = account[“WikiPassword”]
page = agent.submit(form, form.buttons.first)

go to B!Wiki

page =“B!Wiki”))

Submit a form to login in the wiki

page = agent.submit(page.form(“userlogin”))

find the page and edit it

page =“Welcome”))
page = agent.get(“http://mycompany’s intranet tool/wiki/index.php/” +
page = page.links.text(“Edit”)

insert the new value for the table

form = page.form(“editform”)
form.wpTextbox1.gsub!(/{|.*?|}/m, wiki_table)


agent.submit(form, form.buttons.first)
puts “Posted”

Hope this helps,



On 23.09.2009 22:02, Martin DeMello wrote:

List of Ruby Editors - Google Sheets

Fill in the details for your favourite editor. Add it if it’s missing
:slight_smile: Feel free to add additional columns too.

I’ve added format rules to change background color based on content of
“yes” and “no” fields (light green and light red respectively). That way
I find it easier to get an overview feeling. Other values leave the
background color untouched to easier spot other values. Hope that’s ok.

  • Markus

2010/8/31 Jesús Gabriel y Galán [email protected]:

wiki inside:
Thanks! Will play with this when I get home tonight.


On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:23 PM, Markus F. [email protected]

I find it easier to get an overview feeling. Other values leave the
background color untouched to easier spot other values. Hope that’s ok.

Nice :slight_smile: Didn’t know google docs could do format rules.
