In looking at the new “Agile Web D. with Rails” pdf, we’re
finding the pdf confusing.
In the old book, fixture data was stored in a var, so you had something
assert_equal vc_book[“id”],
You knew that the fixture data was loaded into @products, and the db
data was contained in
This is a fundamental testing methodology called “Golden Reference
Model” where the fixture is the golden reference.
In the new scheme, fixtures are referred to as methods, which are
seemingly objects. It seems to me the fixture file is lost, we are
reading data from the db that has been loaded by the fixture. In the
new pdf, comparisions are made to a fixed string. So I have to retype
alll my data that is in the fixture? Am I missing something here?
I have a pretty simple request:
I would like a golden reference model. I want to use that reference
model (Fixture) to compare output from the model, controllers, etc. Do
I have to read the fixture file into the test method to compare? If so,
how come there isn’t a YAML import example in the book?
The new pdf’s method of comparing vs. fixed strings is unacceptable.
We have three people, and everyone is generally confused. Maybe we’re
just dumb… but we’ve posted this several times in more complicated
forms, and it doesn’t seem to be addressed. Hopefully this post is
simple enough where it can get us going in a direction.