TDD killing my joy of Rails

On 12/1/06, Alain R. [email protected] wrote:

tests (see the example in the README page), and it works fine with
require File.dirname(FILE) + ‘/…/test_helper’

Related and worht reading:

Related to these options:

  • rob

I find that testing helps me to create a better interface for my code,
because I’m defining what the interface should look like, then coding
to make sure it happens like that. I also use testing (well, actually
spec’ing with rspec) to make up for my bad knowledge of ruby… I can
just keep trying different ways of writing things until the test

I actually find it more fun using TDD/BDD than the “normal” way,
because one programming cycle generally lasts minutes rather than
hours, and each programming cycle brings satisfaction when it is
finished. Then I still get the overall satisfaction when I reach a
major milestone, just like with normal programming… in fact, if
anything it’s more satisfying because I’m sure it works as it should.

In general, I think TDD suites my way of thinking, and to me, seems
like the easy option. For some people, it doesn’t. But I recommend you
stick it out for all the reasons mentioned in previous posts. You
never know, you might grow to love it like I have.


On Nov 30 2006, 11:31 pm, Taylor S. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-

Thank you Jacob. After I installed facets now the turn seems to work.
I see green, red and other colors to highlight autotest window. Very
cool and easy to spot problems!