Table aliasing broken?

hello list!

when including the same join-table for more than 3 times the aliasing
fails while indexing.

class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :foo

Bar.find(:all, :include => [:foo, :foo, :foo, :foo, :foo], :conditions
=> "…

from the api the aliasing is supposed to be that way: (please correct me
if i’m wrong)

  1. “foo” (no aliasing needed for the 1st one)
  2. “foo foo_bar”
  3. “foo foo_bar_2” (begin indexing with 2)
  4. “foo foo_bar_3” <- this is expected, this is what i get -> “foo
  5. “foo foo_bar_4” <- this is expected, this is what i get -> “foo
    … a.s.o.

this error occurs on rails 1.16 with AR 1.14.4

can someone confirm this bug or should i upgrade to a newer version?
