Spawner -p and --port not working?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to set a port with spawner, and it’s not working:

ruby /var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spinner -c
/var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spawner --port=7000 -i 4
spinner: invalid option: --port=7000

Same with -p:

ruby /var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spinner -c
/var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spawner -p 7000 -i 4 -d
spinner: invalid option: -p 7000

And then it just keeps spawning lots of fcgi processes that die
because the default port is already taken by another app on the

Why isn’t the port piece working?



Nevermind on this. Lighttpd wasn’t running. I still hadn’t separated
lighttpd and fcgi in my head. Lighty should be on, and SwitchTower
handles the fcgi processes, period. I think.
