I’m working with the Scaffolding Extension Plugin which I found here:
I like it, I think it will save me some typing.
I’m developing a system which has several hundred tables.
I need to automate much of the creation of rhtml which itself
generates html-option-select-foreign-key elements.
Are any of you working with this plugin?
I worked through the tutorial and it functioned well on my mac
running edge rails 5467.
Next, in my app I created a simple relationship:
Each Client has 0 or more Facilities.
The only thing strange I can see about this is that
Facilities is not Facilitys
Here is the error I see from my controller.
How would you approach the problem of debugging this controller
exception ?
ArgumentError in Crud#new_facility
Showing vendor/plugins/scaffolding_extensions/scaffolds/new.rhtml where
#3 raised:
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
Extracted source (around line #3):
Create new <%= @scaffold_singular_name.humanize.downcase %>
3: <%= scaffold_form(‘create’,
5: <%= manage_link %>