I think i have a stupid problem but…it’s a problem
i’ve a session param like session[:idLayer]
when i try to save this value on my database, i always have “1” value
my controller is :
blocElem = BlocElement.new
blocElem.bloc_id = session[:idBloc]
blocElem.page_id = session[:idLayer]
blocElem.element_id = elem.id
blocElem.position = newPosition
my session param value is “2” and the record save is “1”.
i’ve trying to replace my session param by a static value and it’s ok :
blocElem = BlocElement.new
blocElem.bloc_id = session[:idBloc]
blocElem.page_id = 2
blocElem.element_id = elem.id
blocElem.position = newPosition
i don’t understand what is the problem.
help !!