Ruby and PHP code in html-page

John J. wrote:

On Jul 30, 2007, at 7:48 AM, Vadim S. wrote:

Try using SSI for the php code.

It might be possible to use ERb (Ruby) to insert the PHP.
And then have the server first process files with Ruby, then with PHP.
Depends on the server. It’s ugly, maybe a little slower, but probably

How can I use ERB for processig PHP-code? ERB parse only Ruby-code. Or

On Jul 31, 2007, at 2:34 PM, jzakiya wrote:

It might be possible to use ERb (Ruby) to insert the PHP.
in Ruby-project.

Posted via

Did you look at the Erubis documentation?

There are several forms of “eruby”
Erubis can work for many languages, but I don’t know if it can do
them all at the same time.
ERb is the Ruby standard library eruby implementation, as far as I
know, it does not handle PHP
Erubis seems cool, but the docs are a bit difficult to read.