Roles that are User<>Project Based

Continuing along this thread… I’m interested in creating a SCOPE in
the project model (project.rb) that returns all the project’s members
(bassed on the permissions table <> users & role tables.

Desired output:,

Here’s my scope in the model, which isn’t returning the desired

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :permissions
has_many :users, :through => :permissions
#Playing with Scopes

scope :teammembers,
Project.permissions.joins(:users, :roles)


trying to figure out how to get the output with ActiveRecord. Thanks

nobosh wrote:

Continuing along this thread… I’m interested in creating a SCOPE in
the project model (project.rb) that returns all the project’s members
(bassed on the permissions table <> users & role tables.

Desired output:,

Here’s my scope in the model, which isn’t returning the desired

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :permissions
has_many :users, :through => :permissions
#Playing with Scopes

scope :teammembers,
Project.permissions.joins(:users, :roles)


trying to figure out how to get the output with ActiveRecord. Thanks

You’re making the exact same mistake as before. Project.permissions
just returns an array of Permission objects.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Sent from my iPhone

Thanks Marnen, obviously it hasn’t clicked yet but I’ll get it! Am I
at least right trying to get this to work as a Scope in the Project’s
model, so I can have the controller pass the team members array to the
Controller to the view projects> show.html.erb?


Alright Marnen, I think I’m getting it… I was able to get the team
members by using the following in the projects controller:

@teammembers = @project.users

That gives me the users, but it doesn’t provide the user’s roles. I
tried including/joining roles to the code above but that errored. Any


I got this working, but would love to know if this is the way to do it
RIGHT with Rails 3?

@teammembers = @project.users.joins(:permissions
=> :role).select(“”)

thank you!