
Hi all,

Just wondered what you guys use for end-user reporting in your rails
apps if anything? We’ve tried a few things and are about to embark on
an evaluation of Crystal Reports. Has anybody had any experience of
this in a RoR environment?


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Depending on your needs, there are a couple of Ruby-based reporting
tools. Ruport ( is one of them, another is
ActiveWarehouse ( which I am
developing. Both are open source.

If you are looking for charting options then you could use Gruff or
Scruffy or alternatively use a Flash-based graphing tool such as
XML/SWF Charts ( or Fusion Charts.

If you’d like to discuss this further feel free to email me directly
or join the ActiveWarehouse mailing list. HTH.

Anthony E.

On 11/30/06, Mark O. [email protected] wrote:

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