Rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=xyz

I am attempting to do selective fixture loading against my test

When I run

rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=DataSetInfo

I get no output. (A full trace is below). I’m trying to figure out why
nothing happens.

  1. Does the command above attempt to operate against my test database?

  2. DataSetInfo is the name of my table and the name of my yml file

I generated these YAML files using YAML.dump and it looks like the
columns are listed in the yml file in a different order than they appear
in the database columns. Does the yml file have to match the database
column order exactly?



C:\eclipse\workspace\eSimplyOnlineRails>rake db:fixtures:load
fo --trace
(in C:/eclipse/workspace/eSimplyOnlineRails)
** Invoke db:fixtures:load (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute db:fixtures:load

On Tue, Jul 11, 2006, Wes G. wrote:

I generated these YAML files using YAML.dump and it looks like the
columns are listed in the yml file in a different order than they appear
in the database columns. Does the yml file have to match the database
column order exactly?

Auto-generated fixtures follow the lowercased-and-underscored convention
rather than camelcase, you might want to try renaming them thusly.
Though if you generated your models, you should already have fixtures,
just replace the contents with what you dumped.
