I’m an experienced PHP programmer (don’t know Ruby yet), and I’m playing
around with Symfony (PHP MVC framework similar to Rails) and I found
myself asking if there’s really any reason to use it over Rails.
From what I’ve seen just about every feature in Rails is superior except
one very important thing - Symfony’s admin generator. This is a major
part of the type of applications I develop and would save me the most
time by far. It’s like an advanced scaffold generator but it uses YAML
config files to configure how the admin interface would look, and it
supports filters, custom fields, image uploads, one-to-many and
many-to-many and several other things automatically.
If I could find an equivalent to this in Rails, I think that’s all I
would need to switch. Rails scaffolds is much too basic for an admin
interface, and I’ve looked into ajaxscaffold and dry scaffold but they
don’t seem quite as powerful as the generator in symfony.
Is there anything like this in Rails? Or would it really be that hard to
create an admin interface in Rails considering how easy it is supposed
to be?