Question about GUI API for Ruby

Wilson B. wrote on 1/13/2006 2:00 PM:

Some guy recently posted to ruby-gnome2 about a .zip file that he made
that contained a ruby + gnome2 executable that you could run without

Do you have a link to the mailing list posting? I’ve been struggling
with Rubyscript2EXE, attempting to deploy a Ruby/GTK application I
wrote. I’m having a lot of trouble bundling non-ruby/dll resources,

that’s where i’m at with ruby/gtk. i’ve been on the ruby-gnome mailing
list for a few weeks , but i must have missed that post…

[email protected] wrote on 1/13/2006 11:09 AM:

If you don’t like the feel of tk but are addicted to the toolkit, I recommend
you look in to the Tk::Tile extension.

i will do that :slight_smile:

On Sunday 15 January 2006 02:33 am, Hidetoshi NAGAI wrote:

Additional Information.:wink:
On ruby-1.8.4, “Tk::Tile.Import_Tile_Widgets!” method was added.
After calling the method, some widget classes denote classes on Tile
(e.g. generates a Tk::Tile::Button widget).

Very nice. Why can’t this be used on initialization if tile is
available? Also
have a method to deactivate the feature. I’m arguing because it should
what users would want. People want pretty by default. Theres no harm in
so, and I believe most people would be using the line thinking it should
default if tile is installed.


From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Question about GUI API for Ruby
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 06:26:20 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

Very nice. Why can’t this be used on initialization if tile is available?
Also have a method to deactivate the feature.

If called the method, the feature cannot be deactivated.
The method replaces some commands on TK INTERPRETER.
So, some mega-widgets may be able to benefit by Tile extension.
But, it is very risky because Tile widgets are NOT full compatible
to standard widgets.
It means that the method may make some other mega-widgets not work.

In the near future when Tile extension will be one of the standard
library of Tcl/Tk8.5, the risk may not exist or the feature may
be able to be deactivated.
Before that, the dangerous method cannot be called by default.

On Sunday 15 January 2006 09:40 am, Hidetoshi NAGAI wrote:

If called the method, the feature cannot be deactivated.
The method replaces some commands on TK INTERPRETER.
So, some mega-widgets may be able to benefit by Tile extension.
But, it is very risky because Tile widgets are NOT full compatible
to standard widgets.
It means that the method may make some other mega-widgets not work.

I found how to activate different themes, and notice the errors.
there will be work to make them compatible. Having tile as the default
rendering would be nice to have when programming with Tk.

In the near future when Tile extension will be one of the standard
library of Tcl/Tk8.5, the risk may not exist or the feature may
be able to be deactivated.
Before that, the dangerous method cannot be called by default.

I can imagine when they are integrated the compatibility will be 100%.


On 1/13/06, Jamey C. [email protected] wrote:

using tar2rubyapp (or whatever it’s called) in conjunction with

Thanks for this reply. I think it points out something fundamental in
my (lack of) understanding of RubyScript2EXE. I’ve been using the
rscript2exe.rb file directly to package the app. Should I be breaking
it into multiple steps in some way? The examples on the Rubyscript
page show it being run directly, and from what I saw, they mention
tar2rubyscript only in the form of a dependency, not as something I
should be using myself.

By ‘application directory’, do you mean the same directory as the main
whatever_my_app_is.rb file that handles the creation of the Gtk
windows, etc?

Here is a quick example. It doesn’t contain any C library, but it
behaves the same way:

[gus@hibernatus Perso]$ ls -lR hellotheworld
total 4
-rwxrw-r-- 1 gus gus 70 Jan 16 08:07 init.rb*
drwxrwxr-x 2 gus gus 80 Jan 16 08:07 lib/

total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 gus gus 66 Jan 16 08:06 hellotheworld.rb
[gus@hibernatus Perso]$ cat hellotheworld/lib/hellotheworld.rb
class Hello
def say_hello
puts “Hello the world!”
[gus@hibernatus Perso]$ cat hellotheworld/init.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require ‘lib/hellotheworld’

The name init.rb is important. That is what tar2rubyscript will launch.
Let pack it:

[gus@hibernatus Perso]$ tar2rubyscript.rb hellotheworld/
Creating archive…
Creating hellotheworld.rb …
[gus@hibernatus Perso]$ ruby ./hellotheworld.rb
Hello the world!

Good, we have an autonomous script. Let add ruby to it:

[gus@hibernatus Perso]$ rubyscript2exe.rb hellotheworld.rb
Tracing hellotheworld …
Hello the world!
Gathering files…
Copying files…
Creating hellotheworld_linux …
[gus@hibernatus Perso]$ ./hellotheworld_linux
Hello the world!

Hope this helps,

Le 15 janv. 06, à 18:50, Wilson B. a écrit :

On Sunday 15 January 2006 02:33 am, Hidetoshi NAGAI wrote:

After calling the method, some widget classes denote classes on Tile
(e.g. generates a Tk::Tile::Button widget).

Well, heres a good question. How can one load a different style. I see a
method declared, but I can’t seem to load Clam style‘Clam’)


From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Question about GUI API for Ruby
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 08:48:44 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

Well, heres a good question. How can one load a different style. I see a
method declared, but I can’t seem to load Clam style‘Clam’)

On my environment,

$ /usr/local/bin/irb
irb(main):001:0> require ‘tkextlib/tile’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> Tk::Tile::Style.theme_names
=> [“step”, “clam”, “alt”, “default”, “classic”]
irb(main):003:0> Tk::Tile::Style.theme_use(‘clam’)
=> “”
=> “clam”