i have a problem using an action with link_to_remote.
here the call the way it works:
<%= link_to “Print”, :controller => “preisliste”, :action =>
“print_list”, :id => @list.id%>
in controller:
send_data Report.generate_report(xml, report, jasper_type,
:filename => “#{filename}.#{extension}”, :type => mime_type,
:disposition => ‘inline’
send_data sends a generated PDF file to the browser. works fine.
but if i’m using link_to_remote the PDF file isn’t displayed. i’m using
different log entries to get sure everything worked fine. the log
entries are the same using both methods.
here the remote call:
<%= link_to_remote “Print2”,
:loading => ‘show_wait()’,
:complete => ‘hide_wait()’,
:failure => “alert('HTTP Error ’ + request.status + ‘!’)”,
:url => {:action => :print_list, :id => @list.id}
what am i missing?