Problem with Rake 'remote_exec' for Capistrano/Switchtower

I’m trying to deploy an app from WinXP to a Linux host(Site5), and
wondering if anyone knows the answer to this?

I’ve got SwitchTower/Capistrano installed - seems to be fine. But when
I try to “rake remote_exec ‘remote_exec’” rake dies on me with a “Don’t
know how to build task ‘remote_exec’” message

The trace I get is:

/path/to/rake-0.7.0/lib/rake.rb:1287: in ‘[]’
…rake.rb:300: in ‘[]’
…:1719: in run/each/run
c:ruby/bin/rake:18 in ‘load’

If anyone has even a faint idea of how to get back on track, I’d love to
hear it. I’m completely flummoxed :frowning:



Scratch that. “cap -a setup” seemed to do it.