Preferred Ruby Editor/IDE for OS X?

Dylan S. wrote:

lol… i would honestly recommend either emacs or vim… you can use
them anywhere.
When I first started using serious text editors (about '97, I think), i
quickly turned into a happy emacs zealot. Then my wrists started
complaining painfully at the three-finger salutes it requires. I
tried new keyboards, different key-mappings, the works. Then I switched
to vim, out of desperation as much as anything else.

Now, I am a happy vim zealot :slight_smile:

On 28/01/2006, at 2:51 AM, Joshua Gitlin wrote:

Just a quick question, if I were tired of typing ruby into a
terminal editor, say I wanted, oh, a scroll bar, mouse support, and
maybe syntax highlighting? Anyone know os a good Ruby/Rails editor
or IDE, one that runs on OS X, possibly in Java?

TextMate, it just feels nicer than Eclipse or any of the other
editors. Plus it has syntax highlighting for some of the Rails
methods :wink:

Phillip H.
[email protected]

At 5:58 PM +0000 1/27/06, Alex Y. wrote:

Now, I am a happy vim zealot :slight_smile:

I’ve been using vi for 20+ years and still use it for most
of my editing, but TextMate is FAR superior for bouncing
around multi-file collections like a Rails installation.


Technical editing and writing, programming, and web development:

Contact information: [email protected], +1 650-873-7841

I am using RadRails 0.5.3 on a AMD64 Debian Sarge box and am very
by it. I particularly like the Data view for SQL queries, svn
RDT integration (with 0.5.3). Kyle S. and company are doing a
job with it. Way to go guys! It has come a long ways in a short time.

That said, prior to RadRails I was using FreeRIDE which was quite
usable. I
am at a loss why the community didn’t jump on this and develop a rails
plugin, since it IS written in RUBY and has a built in debugger, and
highlighting etc. With its FreeBase plugin architecture it is quite
extensible. It is #5 in downloads at Rubyforge, The only downside is the
fact that it uses the FOX gui library. But I had no trouble installing
it on
Debian. My 2 cents worth :slight_smile:
