Please help; form_for passes nil

I added a create method. It seems to create a new object, but doesn’t
store any content in the fields.

When I did create, it did make an object and a row in the database
table. When I go in thru mysql, I can see that it was able to fill
three fields: id (which is an autoincrement field), the created_at
and updated_at fields, which got timestamps, but none of the info that
I had entered into the boxes in the form made it into the db.

I am a little confused. If your HTML form shows this:

<form action="/orves/1705" ...

How can the action executed be this:

Processing OrvesController#update…

I would have thought the action executed was ‘orves’, receiving an id
with value 1705? I’m sorry if I’m off here. Routing has still many
mysteries for me.

Also, could it be that when you execute “@orf = Orf.find(params[:id])”
the ‘find’ is finding nothing? If that were the case @orf would not
even be an instance of Orf, it would be just nil, although I’m
guessing you’d get an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception.


I’m somewhat a newcomer myself, but found this article:

to be particularly helpful. It shows simple strategies for debugging
views, controllers and models.

Myself, I’ve gotten good mileage out of judiciously placed calls to
“logger.debug zzz=#{zzz}”

Hope this helps.

  • ff