Planning to release 1.8.7 fixes on 12/25 (Japanese timezone)

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 18:29, Urabe S. [email protected]

(2010/12/22 1:22), mathew wrote:

It happens for me, using the canonical SVN repo.

Can you show us your lib/logger.rb? It should contain this line:

id, name, rev = %w$Id: logger.rb 22285 2009-02-13 10:19:04Z shyouhei $

OK, apparently bzr doesn’t handle the expansion of $Id$ via bzr-svn.

It would probably be worth putting a warning on the Ruby web site
noting that the SVN repository only works if checked out with SVN, and
that you’ll get test failures if you use other tools.

(I think it’s a bad idea to tie Ruby to a particular version control
tool in this way, but that’s a separate debate.)
