Pasing data between 2 win XP boxes via internet

Cheers Brian,

Learning more as the days go by.

I have heard of unison but didn’t really know what it does :).


Brian C. wrote:

Dave L. wrote:

I was hoping i could “just” cause an event to happen which would linkup
with the other PC push the data down and then close the connection.

If that’s all you want to do - sync directories between two machines
periodically - then don’t reinvent the wheel, just install ‘unison’ and
be done with it:

Unison File Synchronizer

It can even sync between Windows<->Unix (I have a friend who does this).

To run unison over ssh, then I think the easiest way would be to install
cygwin on both sides and use the cygwin unison package (I presume there
is one).

unison is cool because, unlike rsync, it can sync bidirectionally. A
file created/edited/deleted on side A will be replicated to side B, and
vice versa.

Brian C. wrote:

Dave L. wrote:

I was hoping i could “just” cause an event to happen which would linkup
with the other PC push the data down and then close the connection.

If that’s all you want to do - sync directories between two machines
periodically - then don’t reinvent the wheel, just install ‘unison’ and
be done with it:

Unison File Synchronizer

Or rsync.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Brian C. wrote:

Dave L. wrote:

Cheers Brian,

Learning more as the days go by.

I have heard of unison but didn’t really know what it does :).

There is also the commercial solution DropBox (and other similar ones).
DropBox is free for up to 2GB of storage, and I believe has Windows, Mac
and Linux clients.

I’ve plucked up the courage and dived into OpenVPN.

so will use that as my connection. Think I’ve actually got a dropbox
account - free version and it has a max of 25mb files to up/down load.

thanks to all who have replied to this call for help - Dave.