Odd error

Hello everybody.

I have just started trying rails, got instant rails and radrails… Made
a new project, and when I tried to create a model I get the following

Project> ruby script/generate model user -h

-e:3:in `load’: no such file to load – script/generate (LoadError)

        from -e:3

I´m sure this is a newbie question, I´ve searched the documentation and
couldn´t find what I am doing wrong.

Best regards,


Make sure you open your console window through Instant Rails (I>Rails
Applications>Open Ruby Console Window).

This is important because it makes sure that the INstant Rails
ruby\bin directory is on your path.


Hi Mariano!

You need to declare in RadRails in Window-> Preferences the path to
Ruby, and Rails, of course, as follows:

for Ruby : Window->Preferences->Ruby->Installed Interpreter->Add :
Name: ruby ; Location: d:\work\instantRails\ruby\bin\ruby.exe
(modify the path with yours one)
for Rails: Window->Preferences->Rails->Rails Installs -> Add : Name:
rails; Location: *d:\work\instantRails\ruby *(the same as above,
modify the path… do not add any bin subfolder here :slight_smile: )

Recreate your project and you’ll see that it will create the skeleton
and the model creation will work.

