hi guys!
i just tried ruby today and follow the examples in Rolling w/ Ruby on
Rails by Mr. Hibbs on
how to edit MyTest Controller and i got an error…
Please help me…
Thanks and more power to us!!!
hi guys!
i just tried ruby today and follow the examples in Rolling w/ Ruby on
Rails by Mr. Hibbs on
how to edit MyTest Controller and i got an error…
Please help me…
Thanks and more power to us!!!
On 9/21/06, Leon_A [email protected] wrote:
Thanks and more power to us!!!
You’ll need to post details if you want some help.
ok this is what happened: I successfully install ruby and gem
according to your instruction in "Rolling w/ Ruby on Rails book in
i create:
ruby script\generate controller Mytest
which opens SciTE editor and i type:
class MyTestController < applicationcontroller
def index
render_text “Hello Leonardo Asunan”
i run my browser on and i got:
Routing Error
Recognition failed for “/MyTest/”
Whats wrong with my code? help me please…
thanks idol…
On 9/22/06, Leon_A [email protected] wrote:
class MyTestController < applicationcontroller
def index
render_text “Hello Leonardo Asunan”
render_text should be
render :text => “Hello Leonardo Asunan”
i run my browser on and i got:
Point it at
Your routes do not use the camel cased name for controllers. You need
use underscores_between_words
class MyBigBoxOfGoodiesTestController
will map to
in a url
Routing Error
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