Newbie trying to install

Hello, I’m new to ruby and rails and am simply trying to install. I
have a Windows XP machine and have installed ruby on c:ruby along with
gem. I have also downloaded the rails-1.1.2.gem file but when I run

gem install rails --include-dependencies

,I get the following:

Attempting local installation of ‘rails’
ERROR: Error installing gem rails[.gem]: rails requires activesupport
= 1.3.1

Where do I find activesupport? How can I check which version I have?
How do I upgrade or downgrade it?



Kim Filiatrault wrote:

Hello, I’m new to ruby and rails and am simply trying to install. I
have a Windows XP machine and have installed ruby on c:ruby along with
gem. I have also downloaded the rails-1.1.2.gem file but when I run

Where do I find activesupport? How can I check which version I have?
How do I upgrade or downgrade it?

Is there a reason you’re trying a local install rather than directly
over the net ?

If it’s a proxy issue, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY and gem
install will work.

You can check what version of what gems you have installed by using ‘gem
list’. Rails has a few dependencies and downloading them all will be a
pain, so doing an online install will be easier.


Thanks for the information but it still doesn’t work.

Is there a reason you’re trying a local install rather than directly
over the net ?

When I try to do the update over the net, it just hangs (over 4 hours).
I get the following information:

Attempting local installation of ‘rails’
Local gem file not found: rails*.gem
Attempting remote installation of ‘rails’

If it’s a proxy issue, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY and gem
install will work.

I’m sure its not a proxy issue since I can do all other types of updates
over the internet, such as Eclipse plug-ins. I have also disabled Zone
Alarm while trying to do the update. But can I look somewhere to
confirm this?

You can check what version of what gems you have installed by using ‘gem
list’. Rails has a few dependencies and downloading them all will be a
pain, so doing an online install will be easier.

I have the following gems installed but is there some way to find the
version of activesupport? If I do have to manually download everything
to get the install to work, thats ok. The pain would be bearable as
long as I can get Rails working

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

fxri (0.3.3)
Graphical interface to the RI documentation, with search engine.

fxruby (1.4.6, 1.2.6)
FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.

rake (0.7.1)
Ruby based make-like utility.

sources (0.0.1)
This package provides download sources for remote gem installation

Thanks again A.