Newbie Question

On Mar 2, 10:57 am, “Rick DeNatale” [email protected] wrote:

It seems like this is approaching the notions of delegation rather
than inheritance … And these named slots were resolved by walking
up a chain of objects (rather than having a superclass you delegate
to another object) …

Thanks Rick and all who have added their thoughts into this
discussion. The more I think about it I can see that the behavior
that I was looking for would likely not be used as often as I first
thought. Here is a simplified example of what brought me to this
question in the first place. I have a CAD-related script that uses
quite a bit of inheritence. I had reference points as coordinates
that could be defined at a parent class or inherited class level; yet
not cross namespace with siblings. I use classes instead of instances
to store this data because multiple objects are created from these
classes and all objects would use the same reference points of the
class. Here is an example (using Brian’s trick from his earlier

class Canvas
class << self
def ref_pt(name, value=nil)
@pts = {} if @pts.nil?
if value.nil?
# get value
self.ancestors.each { |k|
k.instance_eval { return @pts[name] if not @pts.nil? and
@pts.has_key? name }
# set value
@pts[name] = value

class Canvas1 < Canvas

class Canvas1A < Canvas1

class Canvas2 < Canvas

Set some reference points as an example

Canvas.ref_pt(:common_pt, [1.23, 2.34])
Canvas1.ref_pt(:sub1_pt, [3.45, 4.56])
Canvas1A.ref_pt(:sub1a_pt, [5.67, 6.78])
Canvas2.ref_pt(:sub2_pt, [7.89, 8.90])

shortcut array to speed up output

klasses = [Canvas, Canvas1, Canvas1A, Canvas2]

Show points common to descendents of Canvas

puts “Variable set at Canvas level (:common_pt):”
klasses.each {|k| puts “#{k}: #{k.ref_pt(:common_pt).inspect}”}
puts ‘-’ * 78

Show points common to descendents of Canvas1

puts “Variables set at Canvas1 level (:sub1_pt)”
klasses.each {|k| puts “#{k}: #{k.ref_pt(:sub1_pt).inspect}”}
puts ‘-’ * 78

Show points common to descendents of Canvas1A

puts “Variables set at Canvas1A level (:sub1a_pt)”
klasses.each {|k| puts “#{k}: #{k.ref_pt(:sub1a_pt).inspect}”}
puts ‘-’ * 78

Show points common to descendents of Canvas2

puts “Variables set at Canvas2 level (:sub2_pt)”
klasses.each {|k| puts “#{k}: #{k.ref_pt(:sub2_pt).inspect}”}

And the output for convenience:

Variable set at Canvas level (:common_pt):
Canvas: [1.23, 2.34]
Canvas1: [1.23, 2.34]
Canvas1A: [1.23, 2.34]
Canvas2: [1.23, 2.34]

Variables set at Canvas1 level (:sub1_pt)
Canvas: nil
Canvas1: [3.45, 4.56]
Canvas1A: [3.45, 4.56]
Canvas2: nil

Variables set at Canvas1A level (:sub1a_pt)
Canvas: nil
Canvas1: nil
Canvas1A: [5.67, 6.78]
Canvas2: nil

Variables set at Canvas2 level (:sub2_pt)
Canvas: nil
Canvas1: nil
Canvas1A: nil
Canvas2: [7.89, 8.9]

If this adds more confusion, then please disregard :). Otherwise,
thanks again for the input from everyone…

What I am really looking for is the concept of lvalue’s. There are many
other situations where they come in handy. Another contrived example
might be:

a = \array[123][‘abc’][‘def’]
if (some_condition)
return a
a = some_value

then you don’t compute the index for array twice.

Anything like that? (I have not been able to find it…)

P.S. The \ is how you would do it in perl.

Chris C. wrote:

On 3/1/07, Dick [email protected] wrote:


test.rb:14: parse error, unexpected ‘=’, expecting $
Song.count(1,3547) = 10

Posted via

You could do something like:
def Song.count=(*args)
@@dcounts[args[0]] ||= {}
@@dcounts[args[0]][args[1]] = args[2]

Song.count 1, 3547, 10

On Mar 5, 2007, at 8:40 PM, Dick K. wrote:

then you don’t compute the index for array twice.
There is nothing like that in Ruby. You can avoid some of
the extra lookups in your example:

container = array[123][‘abc’]
if (come_condition)
return container[‘def’]
container[‘def’] = some_value

The example seems a bit contrived. I think with some more
context a better solution might be found.

Gary W.