I’m just getting into ror and am reading lots of books on it right now.
However, I ahve this question which I ahve been unable to solve. It’s in
regard to Views/Controllers. Inside a Person view I have the snippet
“<%= Home.find_by_id(home_id).type%>”. Now, in books I’ve been reading,
they write similar things only they’d be using an instance variable in
the related Person controller and then calling that instance variable
from the view (like “<= @homeType=>”. Is that what I should be doing
instead? Why? It would seem that doing it the way I was at first above,
I am saving it from having to create a usless variable and taking up
more memory space (however minimal it may be). Also, Looking at the
first code above, why can I access the Home controller from inside the
Person View (I assume that’s what I’m doing with that as I’m still
trying to understand all of this dynamic relationship stuff). Thanks for
any help provided!
The whole point of MVC is to abstract the logic out of views into the
controllers and models, i would continue your reading!!
first code above, why can I access the Home controller from inside the
Person View (I assume that’s what I’m doing with that as I’m still
trying to understand all of this dynamic relationship stuff). Thanks for
any help provided!
Your point about saving memory is valid, but the whole idea of MVC is
the view, as far as possible should not contain any business logic or
otherwise be strongly coupled to your data. In other words, it doesn’t
and shouldn’t need to know where homeType comes from, it should just
display it as and when required.
If you use an instance variable you can make major changes to the code
which gives the value of homeType and your view need not change. All in
all it outweighs the value of saving a couple bytes of memory.
Hope this helps,
I can’t seem to get this simple DRb client to access the server over my
I get a bad file descriptor error.
############# The Client Script ################
require ‘drb’
server = DRbObject.new(nil, “druby://#{ARGV.shift}”)
my_id = server.initialize_me
puts my_id
############# The Server Script ###############
require ‘drb’
class PerformAlexaUpdate
def initialize_me
return ‘hello’
h_server = DRb::DRbServer.new ‘druby://’,
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Matthew L. wrote:
first code above, why can I access the Home controller from inside the
Person View (I assume that’s what I’m doing with that as I’m still
trying to understand all of this dynamic relationship stuff). Thanks for
any help provided!Your point about saving memory is valid, but the whole idea of MVC is
the view, as far as possible should not contain any business logic or
otherwise be strongly coupled to your data. In other words, it doesn’t
and shouldn’t need to know where homeType comes from, it should just
display it as and when required.If you use an instance variable you can make major changes to the code
which gives the value of homeType and your view need not change. All in
all it outweighs the value of saving a couple bytes of memory.Hope this helps,
Excellent. That does help. For some reason when I was coding this, I was
in memory saving mode and not good SE Principle mode. I will try my best
to remember to design this way now. Thanks!