(Nested) collection in a view

Say I have a model consisting of Order( has_many :order_lines) and
belongs_to :order).

What would be the ‘rails way’ to create an order form?

Know I could just say @order = Order.some_order, @lines =
@order.order_lines, and use something like this…:

Order no: <%= @order.no %>
Date <%= date_select “order”, “date” %>

<% for line in @lines %> # or use a partial.. ... Amount: <%= text_field "lines[]", "amount" %> <% end %>

…then add the lines to my Order in the controller.

I feel though, that I should be creating my whole order with
Order.new(params[:order]). Is that feasible/possible/the right way?

If possible, please show me how i would call text_field with
@order.order_lines.amount – or what the id/name fields should be if I
to write the input tag by hand.

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