Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Mysql::Error)


I have a class that processes a call data record file and writes the
data to mysql.

There are multiple files to process. A list of files to process of read
from the data directory
and each one is processed in turn.

I want to run them as threads but when I change the class to run as a
thread and then call join
on all the threads it returns this error.

read': Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Mysql::Error) from ./lib/cdr_processor_aapt.rb:39:injoin’
from ./lib/cdr_processor_aapt.rb:39:in process' from ./lib/cdr_processor_aapt.rb:39:inprocess’
from ./lib/process_cdr.rb:26:in process' from ./lib/process_cdr.rb:17:inprocess’
from process.rb:22

After googling I still can’t find an answer. Your help is much
