Linux OS

On 2/13/07, Luke I. [email protected] wrote:

One final followup question:

Someone suggested to me that I look into FreeBSD as an alternative to
the Linux based systems.

Anyone have any experience with FreeBSD that could mention pros/cons?

The security conscious out there always recommend BSD since I believe
OpenBSD hasn’t had a successful security flaw found in a long while. I
believe this is due to a few things, first the packages aren’t added as
quickly and secondly BSD has some nice buffer overflow thwarting
in the OS that help to prevent the most common problems.

I don’t know whether FreeBSD shares the same claim, but FreeBSD does
more compatibility with Linux binaries.

You can read more about them here

You shouldn’t have any problems running most anything you’ll need on BSD
Ruby is supported. If you choose FreeBSD then you can pull from Linux
binaries as well.

Several of the people I know use BSD and love it especially for servers.


On 2/13/07, Luke I. [email protected] wrote:

Someone suggested to me that I look into FreeBSD as an alternative to
the Linux based systems.

Anyone have any experience with FreeBSD that could mention pros/cons?

Pro: It’s not Linux.
Con: It’s not Linux.

I’ve been using FreeBSD on servers for over a decade now. It’s very

See BSD For Linux Users :: Intro
for an excellent ideological comparison of the two.


On 13/02/07, Luke I. [email protected] wrote:

One final followup question:

Someone suggested to me that I look into FreeBSD as an alternative to
the Linux based systems.

Anyone have any experience with FreeBSD that could mention pros/cons?

Yes, freebsd is great. Well documented ( FreeBSD Handbook | FreeBSD Documentation Portal )
and will run everything you need for rails.

To be honest, just get one and try it. You’re asking people what their
OS is and expecting us to reach a consensus. It’s not going to happen
before the heat death, so just get stuck in :slight_smile: