Instantiating multiple child objects


I’ve been tinkering a bit with Ruby lately, and is truly amazed by its
automation, however some of it is a bit arcane for a newbie to
understand :expressionless:

Let’s say for instance I have a object Person which has_many
VehicleRegistrations, and I want to have a form that would enable me to
instantiate many VehicleRegistrations at once.

So supposing my form enables 2 vehicleregistrations to be entered
alongside with the fields for Person, do I use something like

<%= text_field ‘Person.VehicleRegistrations[]’, ‘licenseNumber’ %>
<%= text_field ‘Person.VehicleRegistrations[]’, ‘vehicleManufacturer’ %>
<%= text_field ‘Person.VehicleRegistrations[]’, ‘vehicleMake’ %>

<%= text_field ‘Person.VehicleRegistrations[]’, ‘licenseNumber’ %>
<%= text_field ‘Person.VehicleRegistrations[]’, ‘vehicleManufacturer’ %>
<%= text_field ‘Person.VehicleRegistrations[]’, ‘vehicleMake’ %>

And hope that formTagHelper will be smart to realise that Person has a
has_many relationship with VehicleRegistrations and munge in the field
values for the array of VehicleRegistration?
