Installation behind a proxy

Hi all,

I was a client site today on another project and we started talking
RoR. I wanted to show it in action, so I downloaded the one-click Ruby
installer for Windows and then tried to do “gem install Rails
-include-dependencies”. After a time-out period I received the

ERROR: While executing gem.(Gem::RemoteSourceException)

Error fetching remote gem cache: getaddrinfo: no address associated

That brings me to question 1 (and 1a, I guess): Their site operates
behind a
proxy. Is that the issue here? What port does gems use, anyway?

From the RoR web site I found that I could download the Rails distribution.
I did so and unzipped it, but - I’m embarrassed to admit this - I didn’t
know what to do from there. So, question 2 (and 2a): how could I have
installed Rails from the zip file? Was it already installed and I
realize it?

Ultimately, I went to RubyForge and downloaded the latest gems for
actionmailer, actionpack, actionwebservice, activerecord, activesupport,
rails (natch), and rake. Then I used gem to install them all locally.
even downloaded RadRails, since of course the Eclipse update link didn’t
work either.

So, finally, question 3 (and even 3a and 3b): how much of this grand
was actually necessary? How should I plan to handle this sort of
problem in
the future? And what was going on that I missed?

(By the way, before anyone suggests InstantRails - which admittedly
rocks -
I tried that. When I downloaded it, during the copy operation from a
directory to C:\ the lovely Windows OS said that my disk was either
write-protected or full, neither of which was true. I downloaded and
unzipped other files both before and after that.)

Thanks for any help,

Ken K.

P.S. Eventually it all worked and the client was very impressed. :slight_smile:

Kenneth A. Kousen, Ph.D.


Kousen IT, Inc.

mailto:[email protected] [email protected]

On Feb 1, 2006, at 5:53 PM, Ken K. wrote:


this sort of problem in the future? And what was going on that I

P.S. Eventually it all worked and the client was very impressed. J

[email protected]

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

$ gem help install

-p, --[no-]http-proxy [URL] Use HTTP proxy for remote operations

Or you can set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. Gem expects an
URL with protocol. E.g.,
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

You know, I only looked at “gem help install” about a dozen times and
saw the -p option.

Sigh. Live and learn, I guess.

Thanks for the info.


Kenneth A. Kousen, Ph.D.
Kousen IT, Inc.
[email protected]